Even with the speed and popularity of e-mail, the telephone must be the most important method of communication, simply because you can hear a real voice and form a real relationship. But there is also a danger, because without visual cues, it’s easy to annoy the other person, for example by sounding abrupt when you answer the phone, or by speaking in a very formal or stilted manner. Others speak quickly and continuously without coming up for air. Worse still is when you can hear the caller tapping away at the computer while you’re speaking.
If you want to gain a reputation as a thoughtful communicator, give the caller your full attention, and speak in a calm, relaxed, friendly tone. Remember too that people need time to think on the phone, so you don’t need to fill in every pause. Please don’t give up on the telephone. It’s a great tool to help you build relationships and create bonds. Use it, often!