
Communication is all about bringing people together and understanding each other. With so many different people and personalities in our workplace, it’s no wonder there’s sometimes conflict. If conflict is not handled constructively and positively, the results could be very damaging. Minor disputes could become major confrontations. Teamwork may break down, and the result will be a downward spiral of negativity, blame and low morale.

Many of the communication tools we have discussed in this blog so far will help you in avoiding and resolving conflict: active listening, assertiveness, vocal clarity, effective teamwork, being sensitive and empathetic, using appropriate tone, gestures and body language. Put it all together and you will not only be a first-class communicator, you will also make a difference in other people’s lives.

Communication is our lifeblood. As with every other endeavour, the more you put into it, the more you will get back.

Remember: You listen. You talk. Things change.