Personal Effectiveness

Get Into Good Habits At Work

If you're anything like me and many others, you have a lot of distractions during the course of your working day. With so many distractions at work, it can be hard to get on with what you need to get done. Sometimes we get into some bad habits, such as over-checking your email and checking our Facebook.


If You Want To Be More Successful, You Have To Take Risks!

I'm writing this post from Sheffield in the UK right now, where I'm enjoying visiting family and friends. Last week I was honoured to speak at Executive Secretary Live, organised by Lucy Brazier and her team from the popular magazine Executive Secretary. What an awesome event it was, with 7 international speakers and 120 delegates from 17 countries.


Don’t Sabotage Your Success By Procrastinating

If you're like me, you can easily drag your heels on projects that just don't grab your attention. But remember, ignoring the task won't make it go away. Procrastination is one of the worst habits we can get into, and it's one that limits our personal effectiveness.


Goal Setting Really Works!

Do you remember the last time you set a goal? Did you succeed? What was it about your goal that encouraged success or promoted failure? Were you aiming too high or too low? Why do we need to set goals?


Get To Grips With Stress At Work

Is your workplace filled with stress? Do you end the day feeling exhausted and upset, dreading going back tomorrow? Work stress is at an all time high, and alarmingly, it is only getting higher.


Do You Make The Most Of Your Downtime?

What do you do when you get home from work? Plop in front of the TV, or even worse, in front of the computer for a few more hours? Technology that is meant to make our lives easier is actually zapping our energy. Are you really making the most of your spare time?

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